Love Endures All Things

I never knew how much love I had for you until my love was tested.  Your father tried to destroy our relationship and then spit us out.  I gained my voice and 4 years later you did too, but the system failed to hear our voices.  You are treated as though you are a rock with no feelings, no emotions and no knowledge.  Your voice didn’t matter. Your words didn’t matter.

One person held your fate and she failed you.  You told her the heinous things that happened to you and she believed you told a lie. My baby you have no voice.  You are now a #metoo victim.  You were assaulted in the most intimate manner, my baby please believe in yourself and do not let them have the power over you.

Please overcome this and don’t become a statistic. The people you told believed you and they tried to protect you.  They really tried. They are the most qualified to help you and please don’t lose trust in them my child.  You have people that believe you and want to help you.  Don’t let her dictate your entire life.  Do not let them hold your fate in their hands.

You are not the sum of him.  You are the sum of you and have the power to overcome this.  I am sorry, my voice failed you. I am sorry that you continue to have reactions to your father that no child should have to endure.  A father is supposed to love and not betray that trust and harm you.

I am sorry that I left him. That should have continued to be me.  I never thought that the pain I endured could be greater until this happened.  He will not win my child.  Please keep using your voice and make them listen to you.  I failed you and I am so sorry so so sorry.  My child please use your voice and let them know you will be heard.  You are worthy and do not deserve this.

My child we will get through this together.  You are forever changed, but please don’t let that become your final destiny.  You have so much to offer to this world and have so much to learn.  You are a survivor and I am so so sorry that I couldn’t stop this crime.  Please do not let this take away your childhood and you.  I am sorry I failed you.  It should have been me. #another #metoo victim #courtesy of the court system #metoo courtesy of child protective services


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